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Cultivers Liquid Rooter

Por Toni Busquets
April 1, 2022

Cultivers Liquid Rooter. Hello, my name is Gisela, from Jardí de la Gisela (@eljardidelagisela). My profession is a far cry from botany or gardening at first glance. I am a social educator, and I work in the treatment of drug addictions and problems associated with mental health. But both in my professional field and in my daily life, gardening is part of my life, since I work from occupational therapy and contact with nature. It’s been years since the gardening came into my life, and at this moment I am still learning and sharing…

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When Cultivers products came to me, what I was most excited about and most interested in was this product, the liquid rooting agent of Cultivers. Let’s face it, who doesn’t like to multiply plants and create their own backups. This has always been and will always be my favorite part of the plants, being able to have the opportunity to share something with others and to produce stories by sharing with them.

Cultivers liquid rooting agent has been my companion since I received the products almost three months ago. And this was the first one I used … and I’ve tried it on many different occasions. I have used it in all the transplants I have performed since coming home. In all my cuttings that I have transferred to soil for plant exchanges. And now that some of them are growing like crazy and I have had to transplant them again, it has been especially spectacular.

At this point I believe that with these products I am finding my perfect combo and the ideal fuel for my plants. Since the stimulation and creation of new roots has been more than evident and the growth of my plants has been significant.

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And you’re going to ask me and Gisela what your ideal combo is right now. I always use pretty much the same on most of my plants with some nuances. With this in mind, the small variations he made are in the somewhat more special or specific plants. On the other hand, I have the privilege of living very close to nature, having a vegetable garden, … And that is also something to take into account.

In particular, I use the liquid rooting agent on my indoor plants, especially in the first watering of my newly transplanted plants. I then switched to Organic Liquid Worm Casting Humus, the rooting agent is recovered when the flowering phase is about to begin again. Together with a good substrate where I use Ecological Worm Humus, universal substrate, and normally either perlite or expanded clay so that the substrate remains light.

In short, for me the rooting agent has become something more than a complement to the care of my plants, but something fundamental.

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