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By Toni Busquets
September 14, 2021

Phytophtora species compose a group of organisms that are important plant pathogens. The name Phytophtora is derived from Greek and literally means “plant destroyer”.

Phytophthora species look like fungi, but they are not. Although they are more closely related to aquatic organisms, such as brown algae and diatoms, they can also exist on land and spread through water. It can survive for several years in the superficial layers of plants, and high temperatures and excess water favor its development.

Certain species of Phytophthora cause important diseases of vegetable, fruit and nut crops, as well as nursery crops. Phytophthora disease is the number one disease of nursery crops nationwide.

Why does phytophtora COME OUT on our plants?

In soils with poor drainage or prone to waterlogging, the presence of this disease is common, especially in conditions above 18 degrees The infection process is slow and the first symptoms are observed several months after the onset.

This disease usually appears in tomato crops from spring onwards, with temperatures rising from 15 to 23 ºC, especially after heavy rains that increase humidity above 75-80%.

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How does Phytophtora AFFECT our plants?

The most common symptoms are progressive drying of branches and weakening. At first, it may seem that the silver suffers from lack of water so it tends to be watered. This only makes the situation worse because, as we have already mentioned, this fungus develops faster when there is excess water.

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The biggest problem with this disease is that it is highly resistant and can remain dormant in the soil for years, waiting for new planting and increased humidity. If high temperatures are added to this, the advance of the disease will be immediate.

How to ELIMINATE Phytophtora naturally?

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