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By Toni Busquets
September 14, 2021

What are TRIPS?

Thrips are insects of an order known as Thysanoptera, so called because of the peculiar appearance of their wings. If we observe them with a magnifying glass (they are so small that they usually measure no more than half a centimeter, and that the larger species) we can distinguish 4 wings with hairs, which give them the appearance of feathers.

Thrips molt several times from hatching to adulthood, with larvae and mature individuals having different life forms. Although there are many different species of thrips, the ones that concern us today are those that feed on parts of plants and can cause damage of varying severity. Their larvae are usually found on the underside of the leaves, often taking refuge near the nerves, while the adults flutter clumsily and jump from plant to plant.

Why do thrips grow on our plants?

It is a very common pest and from 8 degrees it can live without problems up to temperatures of 32 degrees, they do not need specific conditions for their appearance since they can come flying to our plants or dragged by the wind.

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How do thrips affect our plants?

These insects can cause damage to vegetable plants as well as to fruit trees in the orchard and ornamental plants in the garden. Feeding on plant sap, when Trips are found in large numbers, they can affect plant vitality.

But the biggest problem with these insects is that they can also transmit serious virus diseases, so it is advisable to prevent and combat their infestation effectively.

danos de los trips

Trips are usually located mainly on the underside of leaves, although they can also be on flowers and fruits. Because they have wings, they can move very easily between plants and quickly spread to other crops.

How to ELIMINATE thrips naturally?


  • Orius laevigatus majusculus yinsidiosus This is a very voracious predatory bug. Its attack is also carried out when the thrips is in the adult stage. It can eliminate the thrips population in a short time.
  • Amblyseius degenerans and cucumeris are used for biological control of thrips. Its dark color and high mobility make this predatory mite very visible on leaves or flowers and it is often present on flowers. It rapidly develops large populations by feeding on pollen and therefore very effectively controls thrips on flowers. Amblyseius degenerans is very tolerant to low humidity. This is favorable in dry climate greenhouses as has been repeatedly observed in climates with cold winters and hot summers. On the other hand, this mite does not enter diapause and can therefore be used in winter without problems.
  • Macrolophus caliginosus is a voracious generalist predator used in the control of whiteflies and thrips, being abundant and frequent in numerous spontaneous and cultivated herbaceous plants. It is found in North Africa and Southern Europe, including the Balearic and Canary Islands. feeds on both larvae and adults.
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