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Systemic Sulfur


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  • Improves crop yields by increasing nitrogen use efficiency. Preventive of plant defenses against fungal attacks such as powdery mildew, mites and fungi.)
  • Promotes the synthesis of sulfur amino acids (cystine, methionine, L-cysteine), proteins, phytochelins, glutathione and group vitamins.
  • It lowers the pH of alkaline soils, thus favoring the availability of other nutrients. Saline-alkaline soils also improve their physical conditions after continuous root applications.
  • Acts by inducing the natural defenses of plants as a preventive inducer of plant defenses.
  • Avoids nutritional deficiencies and physiopathologies, improves crop yields.

Sulfur is an essential macronutrient for efficient crop development. It is an essential plant nutrient that increases nitrogen use efficiency, improving crop yields. It favors the synthesis of sulfur amino acids (Cystine, Methionine, L-cysteine), proteins, phytochelins, glutathione and B vitamins. Root supply lowers the pH of alkaline soils, thus favoring the availability of other nutrients. Saline-alkaline soils also improve their physical conditions after continuous applications. It is a transparent liquid sulfur formulation, with systemic action. It can be applied both by soil and foliar application, easily penetrating the plant. It does not produce spotting on the fruit. In addition to acting as a Sulfur, it acts by inducing the natural defenses of plants. It acts as a preventive inductor of plant defenses against fungal attacks such as powdery mildew, improving crop development.

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