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Triple action ready to use


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Triple Action Ecological insecticide, fungicide and acaricide treatment, it acts eliminating insects, mites and fungi.

It acts on the plant providing a triple protective action against the attack of pests and diseases.

Directions for use: Spray directly on the plant, at a distance of about 30 cm. It is recommended to apply always at dusk, avoiding the hours of highest solar radiation, always wetting well the entire surface of the leaves, without dripping the product.

According to the report SANTE/11809/2016, it can be applied on: Aphids, Mites: broad beans, grapevine; Cabbage moth; Carpocapsa Manzano; Coleoptera and moths in Brassicas. Fungi: powdery mildew, downy mildew, alternaria, monilia, botrytis, pythium, root fungus, leaf roll, monilia.

For indoor and outdoor plants. 100% Natural products.

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