Powdery mildew
What is OIDIO?
Powdery mildew is a parasitic fungus (living inside the tissue) as opposed to saprophytic fungi (feeding on dead organic matter). powdery mildew, also known as ash, white mold, is a fungus that is part of the family Erysiphaceae (Erysiphaceae) and contains a large number of approximately 900 different species that affect various species of plants and trees around the world.
Why DOES powdery mildew COME OUT on our plants?
It generally occurs when plants do not receive many hours of sun, but this does not mean that all plants that are without these hours of sun suffer from it. We refer to the species that require more sun exposure than those that are exposed to the sun. Powdery mildew, above all, proliferates in the autumn and winter seasons; when the foliage gets wet and does not have time to dry, as well as humidity and warm temperatures between 25-28 degrees favor the development of this fungus.
Genetic poverty is also a cause to take into account for the appearance of this pest, also as an informative note there are plants that genetically are less prone to develop it, something to take into account depending on where we live.

How does powdery mildew AFFECT our plants?
The spores cover the leaves of our plants causing a blockage of light and as a consequence we have a loss of the photosynthetic capacity of the plant. This causes the plant to darken to darker shades of green and brown and even cause leaf death.

The plant has difficulty breathing through its stomata, which are collapsed by the spores in the form of white powder. It also produces losses in the crop since many fruits do not develop to their fullness.
How to ELIMINATE powdery mildew naturally?
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