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Force Soil


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  • Highly concentrated 50% organic matter of vegetable origin to improve soil properties.
  • FORCE-SOIL promotes microbial activity in the soil by facilitating nutrient availability.
  • increases soil fertility, improves soil conditions, enhances soil-plant interactions, increases soil fertility, improves soil conditions, enhances soil-plant interactions.
  • FORCE SOIL can be applied during the whole vegetative cycle to improve the physico-chemical properties of the soil,
  • Due to its balanced formulation and slightly acidic character, it is ideal for use in alkaline soils.

Plants synthesize amino acids from nitrogen absorbed in the form of nitrate or ammonium. Amino acids are joined by peptide bonds to form proteins. In addition to their structural function, they are indispensable in the biochemical processes of the plant, as they are part of the composition of enzymes, hormones and various compounds involved in defense and immunity.

FORCE-SOIL is a liquid formulation of natural origin with a high concentration of organic amino acids obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis, supplemented with organic matter.
It has a 42% concentration of organic matter of vegetable origin, with a 10% concentration of glycine/betaine, which improves the osmoregulatory properties of the plant and reduces stress episodes caused by external agents (biotic and abiotic). It favors abundant harvests by improving water and nutrient retention capacity.

It can be applied during the whole vegetative cycle of the crop to improve the physico-chemical properties of the soil, optimize the cation exchange capacity and promote better root development.

Its constant application improves soil fertility, while reducing the presence of blocking elements. This facilitates their assimilation by the plant and avoids possible antagonisms.

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